
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Your Attendance is Needed on Monday, January 22 at the Rally for Life! NJ Poised to Force Taxpayers to Fund Planned Parenthood!

Rally for Life on Monday
11 am - 1 pm
Courtyard Annex of the State House 
Trenton, NJ (map)

Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life

I know you may be traveling to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life tomorrow. It is a very exciting time indeed to be in the Nation's Capitol with pro-life people from all walks of life who come from all over our great country to stand united in Defense of Life. I wanted to let you know that NJ Congressman Chris Smith is again hosting a Reception immediately following the March for NJ pro-life citizens in Room 2172 of the Rayburn House Office Building.

I also wanted to inform you about a very urgent matter that will affect all NJ taxpayers which will take place on Monday, January 22nd.

As you know, our state just elected a new Democrat Governor who has called himself a "proudly progressive Democrat." The Legislature is controlled by huge majorities of like minded people who are wasting no time to force taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood.

In fact, the Senate Health Committee has scheduled a hearing on the day of our Rally to hear two bills (S105 and S120) that will use our tax dollars to fund Planned Parenthood.

For this reason, it is especially important that we have a large crowd in attendance at the Rally for Life on Monday, January 22 in Trenton, NJ. The Rally is from 11 a.m to 1 p.m. in the Courtyard Annex of the State House. We have many great speakers lined up, including our state legislators. many of whom are coming down to Trenton just to be with us and address the Rally. NJ is were we live, where we raise our children, and where we pay our taxes. We need to stand up and be counted as citizens who oppose the destruction of innocent babies in the womb and the funding of Planned Parenthood!

You see, it does not matter to them that Planned Parenthood is currently under investigation by the FBI for engaging in illegal activity. It doesn't matter that their staff was caught on video right here in Perth Amboy, NJ willing to aid and abet undercover investigators posing as sex traffickers. It doesn't matter that the Federal Office of Inspector General found that their past taxpayer funding history showed that NJ Planned Parenthood affiliates engaged in medicaid fraud by billing the federal agency for services that did not qualify as "family planning." It does not matter that the NJ Dept of Health inspected their clinics in Mercer and Monmouth Counties and found numerous health and safety violations, including the unsanitary use of vaginal ultrasounds. These things don't matter because Planned Parenthood is a favored constituency of the parties currently controlling all three branches of state government.

Please help leave our footprint at our State Capitol to show lawmakers that we are not giving up, that we are watching and will continue to oppose and call for the reversal of the Roe v. Wade Decision and fight against taxpayer funding of abortion and Planned Parenthood. Please join us on Monday in Trenton as we mourn the lives of 60 million innocent children and offer our support to the countless women and men who suffer long-lasting pain and grief over the loss of their children because of this terribly flawed and antiquated decision.

Thank you and I hope to see you on Monday!

PS. Look for our Billboards on major highways on your way to Washington and Trenton!

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