
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

40 Days for Pro-Life Prayer Campaign at Abortion Clinics Saves 103 Babies So Far

By Shawn Carney, David Brando
Life News

If you want to see some happy people … be at a 40 Days for Life vigil when the joyful news starts to spread that a mom has rejected abortion at the last minute!

Local campaign leaders tell us that so far, since Day 1 on February 14, they can report 103 babies saved – that we know of!

Praise God!

That makes 14,101 spared from abortion since 40 Days for Life started in 2007! You can meet a few of the 14,101 in the short video posted below:

Lansing, Michigan

Cecilia in Lansing just got a very encouraging note from the director of a local pregnancy help center.

The director got a phone call from a woman asking for abortion information for her teenage daughter. She was going to take the girl to Planned Parenthood … but she didn’t want to go in with all the “protesters” there!

(That would be the 40 Days for Life vigil participants.)

So the mom brought her daughter to the pregnancy center for a free ultrasound.

The director says this family still needs lots of prayer … but it was clear that hard work and prayer do have an impact … and lives do get saved.

Atlanta, Georgia

Over the first weekend of the 40 Days for Life campaign, the team in Atlanta learned of at least three babies spared from abortion.

One couple drove into and out of the abortion facility’s parking lot several times … each time refusing to accept pro-life literature.

But when they drove out for the last time, the man smiled as he rolled down the window, and said, “We don’t need that. We didn’t do it!”
Volunteers often have to deal with aggressive tactics from the abortion center’s escorts. As soon as clients accept literature from the vigil participants, the escorts demand that the clients hand it over to them.

Nevertheless, one couple stopped to reconsider … and then changed their minds about abortion.

“Then moments later another couple came driving out,” one of the volunteers said, “and with big smiles said they had changed their minds too!” Note: Shawn Carney is the campaign director for the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign against abortion.

Website: Life News

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