
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Blessing Abortion Is Foolish, Corrupt and Evil

It is especially tragic that these clergy fail to teach the abortion providers they bless that God hates, and sees as an abomination, "hands that shed innocent blood."

By Kim Ketola
Christian Post

Abortion is now widely accepted and promoted as a basic human right and as reproductive freedom, liberating women from the burden of childbearing and motherhood.

The Washington Post recently covered religious leaders blessing a late-term abortion business based on the "sanctity of the health and free will of women." At the ceremony, a Baptist pastor was quoted as saying that through abortion God affirms a woman's "moral agency."

Despite the cover of the cloth, these clergy are false teachers. Instead of preaching biblical truth and trusting God who delivers us from trouble, they advance the abortion mindset.

This abortion mindset sees pregnancy as a matter of personal choice, and choosing not to be pregnant as the highest degree of empowerment for the average woman. She should trust abortion, not God, to protect her from economic hardship or financial dependency. Abortion, not God, will bring her out of limited opportunity in work and education. Abortion, not God, will save her from having to devote her life to a family member with permanent disabilities.

Abortion, not God, will somehow instantly relieve her from living with a constant reminder of having been sexually violated against her will, perhaps by a family member she must remain in contact with.

Abortion is also their holy panacea for women—the magic cure to the scourge of inequality with men, the stroke that levels the playing field to upend the patriarchy and liberate the female sex from her biologically ordained bondage to men and the demands of motherhood.
Like many young women who choose abortion, I was as ignorant of the abortion mindset and rhetoric as I was of the developmental milestones of my baby at 12 weeks.
But I began to be against abortion immediately after experiencing it, because I knew something was irretrievably lost. I knew I had failed as the last line of defense against the taking of an innocent life.
Facing this reality—that death lies at the center of every abortion—may not break the abortion mindset. Here, the false teachers are complicit, helping women claim their freedom and express relief.

Others' hearts will break to realize their devaluation as women; now they must compulsively prove their equality with men. This is actually a hopeful sign—the seeds of seeing abortion for what it is and not what the false teachers present.

Yet, getting a new mindset is a process for many of us. We're against abortion.

But, there must be exceptions, we're told. But, if the sex was forced, you needn't be burdened with the life you carry. But, if your child is diagnosed as less than perfect, you too can escape the burden such a pregnancy may bring.

The abortion mindset denies that every life is worthy of protection. The abortion mindset in effect, denies God, placing individual women in His place.

The abortion mindset assumes women alone are in control of the creation of new life, and as such, they retain sole ownership of pregnancy. In our hearts, we know it's morally indefensible to grant a group of people ownership over another group, despite the special circumstance of the utter dependency of one group upon the other. 

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