
Friday, February 16, 2018

Democrats Are Not Running a Single Pro-Life Candidate in Any Targeted District in 2018

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Democrat leaders are pushing the party further into a radical ideology that demands full support for abortion for any reason up to birth

In a scathing but apt criticism of the current party, The Federalist’s Bre Payton describedabortion on demand as DNC leaders’ new religion.
“Their objective is no longer to keep abortion ‘safe, legal, and rare,’ but to shout it, to be proud about it, and to kick and scream if their party does not expel pro-life defectors,” she wrote.
The upcoming midterm elections are a perfect example. Party leaders are abandoning a seven-term Illinois incumbent and supporting his challenger instead because of abortion.

U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski, one of the last pro-life Democrats in Congress, accurately represents his constituents on the abortion issue. He votes to protect unborn babies from late-term abortions and opposes taxpayer funding of abortions, two issues that are widely popular among Democrats and Republicans alike.

For doing so, he is being abandoned by his own party. Some of Lipinski’s peers in the House are backing his pro-abortion challenger, Maria Newman, who supports late-term abortions and taxpayer funding of abortions. Well-funded pro-abortion groups like NARAL and Emily’s List are backing Newman as well.

Lipinski is not alone. According to the Federalist, the Democratic Party is not backing any pro-life candidates in key districts this fall.

Here’s more from the column:

The party … has no room for those who believe life begins at conception. They’ve expelled nearly all of its representatives who believe life begins at conception and vote accordingly. 
In Congress, only two Democrats belong to the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus. 
That’s right, two. And the party is not running a single pro-life Democrat in any of the 91 districts they hope to win over this November. Both of these things are startling given that in 2009, 64 Democrats opposed the Affordable Care Act because they thought it didn’t come with enough restrictions on abortion.
Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.), one of these Democratic congressmen who broke rank in 2009, has represented the Third District of Illinois since 2005. His seat is in jeopardy now that he’s being challenged in the upcoming primary by Marie Newman, the darling of NARAL Pro-Choice America, EMILY’s List, Gloria Steinem, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.

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