
Friday, February 2, 2018

Liberal Media Disgustingly Accuse Adoptive Couple at Trump’s State of the Union of Coercing Baby’s Mother

By Katie Yoder
Life News

What on earth is wrong with people? Instead of celebrating an adoptive couple’s touching story, highlighted at the State of the Union, some media began a rumor that the parents coerced one mother to hand them her child. And, as they bashed the president for not saying more, they themselves left out key details.

The fact is, because Donald Trump liked the story, a whole swath of the left automatically hate it. Add in some liberals’ passionate lectures about identity, privilege and power, and they’re doing their best to make a compassionate human act into yet another oppressive outrage.

On Tuesday night, Albuquerque policeman Ryan Holets, and his wife, Rebecca, attended the State of the Union as guests of the president and first lady. During his address, President Trump told the parents of five that they “embody the goodness of our Nation.” That’s because last year the two adopted a little girl named Hope, whose mother was addicted to drugs.

The president told the story:

Last year, Holets was on duty when he saw a pregnant, homeless woman preparing to inject heroin. When Holets told her she was going to harm her unborn child, she began to weep. She told him she did not know where to turn, but badly wanted a safe home for her baby.
“In that moment, Holets said he felt God speak to him: ‘You will do it – because you can.’ He took out a picture of his wife and their four kids. Then, he went home to tell his wife Rebecca. In an instant, she agreed to adopt.

Both conservative and most liberal media praised the “powerful” story. But others, like Splinter and Slate, baselessly accused Holets of pressuring the birth mother, Cyrstal Champ, to give up Hope.

Beginning with its headline, Univision-owned Splinter (formerly Fusion), mocked the Holets Tuesday evening as a “nice white couple taking a homeless addict’s baby.” Then Editor and writer Katherine Krueger charged Holets of showing Champ a photo of his own family in order to “guilt her into giving up her baby.”

Rather than support her claim, she went on to cherry-pick a December CNN story of the adoption. “Cherry-pick,” meaning she ignored the part where CNN reported that Crystal “emotionally told Holets that she desperately hoped someone would adopt her baby” before he offered to do just that.

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