
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Members of Congress Score 100 percent on FRC Action’s New Scorecard on Faith, Family and Freedom

The FRC Action Team 
Family Research Council

We have released our new scorecard for the First Session of the 115th Congress. Not only is the scorecard updated with a record number of Members of Congress with a perfect score, our scorecard has also been improved with smoother functionality and enhanced interactivity to give you the best information possible!

245 Members of Congress scored perfect scores with us and FRC Action will honor these 245 Members with its "True Blue" award for displaying unwavering commitment and consistent support of faith, family, and freedom. This is the highest number of legislators receiving a 100% score we have ever had!
"Americans should be encouraged to know that they have so many Members of Congress and a president who have begun the work of rebuilding our nation, and protecting the very values that made America great." -Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council Action
  • Votes in the U.S. House and Senate that we scored includes: 
  • No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion 
  • Disapproval of Obama's HHS Title X Rule 
  • Obamacare Repeal and Replace 
  • Confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court 
  • DOD Transgender Funding (Blocking Funding for Sex-Reassignment Surgeries) 
  • D.C. Budget Autonomy 
  • D.C. Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Amendment 
  • Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act 
  • Independent Payment Advisory Board Repeal 
  • Confirmation of Amy Barrett to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals 
  • Tax Cuts & Jobs Act 
Click here to download a copy of the Vote Scorecard.


The FRC Action Team

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