
Thursday, February 8, 2018

Priest Says 14 Catholic Senators Who Voted Against Late-Term Abortion Ban Should be Excommunicated

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

A Catholic priest is very upset that 14 Catholic Senators voted recently against the ban on late-term abortions in the United States Senate. He believes the Senators ought to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

“Today is the day for their bishops to issue a formal statement acknowledging that these men and women have publicly denied their Catholic faith, and if not formally, then have informally excommunicated themselves,” Father Dwight Longenecker wrote in response to their votes. “So fourteen Catholic senators voted for this barbaric, inhumane practice to still be legal in the United States and thereby assured its continuation.”

“Since their offense is public, it should be acknowledged publicly and their pastors should publicly rebuke them and deny them access to the sacraments,” he added. “If the bishops and priests do not do this, the faithful in their parishes and dioceses should rise up and blizzard them with letters, emails and the one thing that will really make them sit up and take notice: withholding their contributions.”
Here is more from his column:

I’m absolutely shocked this morning to learn that the bill to outlaw abortions past twenty weeks has been defeated in the US Senate.

Even more shocking is the fact that fourteen senators who identify as Catholics voted against the bill–in effect giving the nod to late term abortions. Even worse is the realization that if these men and women had voted for the bill it would have passed. Therefore, these fourteen have ensured that this barbaric procedure is still legal in America.

In case anyone is under any misapprehension what a late term abortion looks like let’s review the information: So fourteen Catholic senators voted for this barbaric, inhumane practice to still be legal in the United States and thereby assured its continuation.

Today is the day for the fourteen men and women to be named. They need to be named, and those who are active in Catholic media must publish their names. This needs to be a nationwide, total Catholic publicity effort. It doesn’t matter if you are a “liberal” or a “conservative”.  If you have any voice, publish their names and publish the horror that they have enabled by their vote. That these fourteen identify publicly as Catholic go here. To see how they voted go here.

Here are the names and states represented by the 14 Catholic Senators who voted to keep late-term abortions legal:

Maria Cantwell (Washington)
Susan Collins (Maine)
Dick Durbin (Illinois)
Kirsten Gillibrand (New York)
Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota)
Tim Kaine (Virginia)
Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
Ed Markey (Massachusetts)
Catherine Cortez Masto (Nevada)
Claire McCaskill (Missouri)
Bob Menendez (New Jersey)
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Patty Murray (Washington) 
Jack Reed – (Rhode Island)

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