
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Pro-Life Waco: 40 Days for Life and Other Updates

from John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

The 2018 Waco 40 Days for Life prayer vigil is underway and going strong! This email ends with a terrific set of 40 Days for Life photos. Here is a link to a nice Baylor Lariat news video on our 40 Days campaign

Most of this post will be about 40 Days for Life. But let’s start out with other outreach initiatives.

1. Initiatives other than 40 Days for Life. 3 big ones

Regrettably, this Wednesday/Thursday/Friday--February 21, 22 and 23--are abortion days in Waco. The abortionist will fly in from Cambridge, Massachusetts. On these tragic days, we will have several prayer volunteers from 40 Days for Life on site at Planned Parenthood. The precious little ones and their moms heading in the wrong direction need as many prayerful Christians as possible. 

Come out anytime 8 a.m. through 5 p.m. Even with lives lost at least, we can at least say we were there standing in the gap and acknowledging the humanity of the short lives of preborn babies.

Also, on Friday, February 23rd we will have a vanpool heading for Fort Worth to protest the annual luncheon fundraiser of Fort Worth Planned Parenthood. PP Fort Worth and PP Waco are both managed by Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas out of Austin. Our vanpool will depart from the St. Mary’s Church parking lot at 9:00 AM. We will arrive by 11 to begin our initiative in the public square at the Omni Hotel. Signs will be provided to hold Planned Parenthood supporters to account for what they are funding and supporting. The protest will be over at 12:30. We will then have an enjoyable lunch together paid for by Pro-Life Waco and return to Waco by 4 PM. Contact John Pisciotta if you can be a part of this event. Contact John at

Then on Saturday, 24 February we will deliver our spirited and enjoyable pedestrian overpass outreach over Interstate 35 near Baylor. This is from 10 AM until noon. We start setting up at 9:30. Additional hands for set up are appreciated. To get to the overpass from the downtown Waco side of I-35 just take South 8th Street to the dead-end at I-35. You will be adjacent to the Panera Bread Restaurant. There plenty of street parking. Pro-Life Waco will provide lunch and/or dessert at Panera Bread following the overpass outreach. We had such a good time of fellowship at Panera Bread last time. We fight a great evil. But the pro-life foot soldiers remain close-knit and joyful.

2. “Love Saves Lives” Kickoff Rally for 40 Days for Life on Feb. 13

Here we are again Central Texas faithful. Care Net Pregnancy Center of Central Texas and Pro-Life Waco are delivering 40 Day for Life in Waco. The Kickoff Rally was from 5-6 p.m. on Tuesday, February 13 at 700 W. HWY 6. The rally was in the public right-of-away of Planned Parenthood abortion center which opened in November 2017.

The speakers were:

  • Pastor Ronnie Holmes of Church of the Open Door on sidewalk counseling
  • Deborah McGregor, CEO of Care Net Pregnancy Center on the dynamic initiatives Care Net is delivering, including the beautiful and life-saving sonogram bus pictured toward the end of this post 
  • Lynn Rasberry provided a moving personal testimony on the impact of abortion on her life.
  • Anya Fitzgerald, the Director of 40 Days for Life Waco, gave tips on how to make 40 Days extraordinarily positive for prayer volunteers and for those we pray for.

Planned Parenthood is now located on the very heavily traveled HWY 6. So, now 40 Days for Life and Planned Parenthood are squarely in public view. We believe many will continue to join 40 Days for Life when they see our prayer vigil.

If you have already committed to prayer for 40 Days for Life, invite (repeatedly) your friends and relatives to join you. If you have not committed, you still can. Go to homepage to find out how to do it. If a specific commitment does not work for you, just come out and pray in the public right-of-way whenever Jesus calls you to defend His precious little ones.

We pray for threatened hearts, confused hearts, pressured hearts and hard hearts through 40 Days for Life in Waco and 350 cities worldwide.

3. What can an hour of 40 Days for Life look like.

I went out to check out the goings on from 9-10 a.m. on Saturday and found a beautiful sight of prayer volunteers from the DeLaRosa and Macias families. These two lovely families were praying and playing together. I love to see children playing at 40 Days for Life. Notice from the photos below that the new Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Waco is located on the heavily traveled Highway 6. Our prayer vigil and signs are clearly in the public square at this location. This gives us a major opportunity to deliver on the community outreach goal of 40 Days for Life. The sight of children playing sends a very strong life-defender message.

The first group of photos below are the Kickoff Rally. The next group are Saturday morning 9-10 a.m. The elderly guy in the final photo with the children is me. I find 40 Days for Life to be a very invigorating experience.

Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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