
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Abortion Clinic Caught Transporting Box of Aborted Babies in Car and Selling Them to Someone

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

A South Carolina abortion clinic as been caught on video illegally transporting the bodies of aborted babies in a car and transferring them to a waste management company.

Whistle blowers have uncovered ongoing illegal transactions of aborted baby body parts between a Greenville, South Carolina abortion clinic and Stericycle, America’s largest biological waste hauler. On three separate occasions, video was captured showing a representative of Greenville Women’s Clinic illegally transporting dead babies in a passenger car and transferring the aborted baby body parts to a Stericycle waste truck at a local gas station.

The illegal transactions have caught the attention of state health department officials. Five different transactions are referenced in a March 6, 2018 Notice of Alleged Violations from the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) to Greenville Women’s Center and Stericycle.

According to the letters from the SDHEC’s Bureau of Land and Waste Management Division of Compliance and Enforcement these illegal actions violate South Carolina’s Infectious Waste Management Regulation 61-105.

The SDHEC alleges that Greenville Women’s Center (GWC) violated nine regulations. They include:

  • Illegally transferred and storing infectious waste (aborted babies).
  • Transferring waste at a non-designated transfer facility (gas station).
  • No having a properly marked transfer vehicle and leak resistant cargo carrying containers.
  • Not being registered as a transporter of infectious waste.
  • Having no infectious waste management plan.
State health department officials allege that Stericycle violated five regulations. They include:
  • Illegally transferred and stored infectious waste (aborted babies).
  • Illegally transferred infectious waste from one vehicle to another at a non-designated transfer facility.
  • Illegally accepted infectious waste without a proper manifest.

Greenville Women’s Clinic has been investigated before, found in violation of other rules and regulations, and issued enforcement actions after inspections were completed in September 2017.

The pro-life group Created Equal filmed the videos catching abortion clinic staff making the illegal transfers. Mark Harrington, the group’s president, said he’s not surprised the abortion clinic is trying to cover up how it disposes the bodies of aborted babies.

“Abortionists and their medical waste enablers are the dregs of society and medicine and, therefore, are forced to conduct their nefarious activities in secret. Because abortionists kill babies, they also break other laws. We thank the SCDHEC for bringing to light both the unlawful conduct of Greenville Women’s Clinic and Stericycle. We demand the SDHEC shut down both these operations over these violations, not just given a slap on the wrist,” he said.
Website: Life News  

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