
Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Blockbuster Intel Drop Reveals Trump is Trying to "End" Planned Parenthood - Twitter Attempts Censorship

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

It's been called the highest level of intelligence to ever be dropped publicly in our known history. The source? A small group of insiders close to President Donald J. Trump that have chosen to reveal this unprecedented intelligence on an obscure message board under the mysterious initial "Q."

Over the weekend, Q, also known as Qanon, turned its attention once again to Planned Parenthood.

Referenced was a January 7, 2018, post that encouraged readers to review the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives' final report on Planned Parenthood and its participation in the illegal sale of aborted baby body parts.

Continue reading about the attempts to censor this information and why it is so important continue exposing the evil of abortion.

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