
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Created Equal Needs More Whistle Blowers at Abortion Clinics Across America

Mark Harrington, President
Created Equal

Columbus, OH – March 23, 2017 – As you may know, Created Equal has been keeping the pressure on the enablers of abortion across America. Our focus is primarily on the medical waste companies. Companies like Stericycle continue to feel the heat from our ProjectWeakLink.
Recently, pro-life eyewitnesses caught a Greenville, SC abortion clinic breaking the law.
See eyewitness video from Greenville: Illegal Aborted Baby Parts Deal Exposed 

See local news reports: WYFF, WSPA, Greenville News.

We need more eyewitnesses (sidewalk counselors and prayer partners) to report to us what goes on outside abortion clinics, so we can hold them accountable!

Take Action: Gather, document, and send us information.

Send us videos (and pictures) of waste trucks and others picking up and transporting aborted babies.

Report any unusual behavior to Created Equal regarding the receipt, transport, and transferring of aborted babies by medical waste haulers.

Send information to:

Allow me to stress the importance of capturing video. In today’s day and age, if it wasn’t caught on film, it didn’t happen.

The bottom line is: Pro-lifers across America are watching (and filming)!

But we need more people to get involved!

One by one, city by city, abortionist by abortionist, enabler by enabler, we will keep exposing the illegal activity of the abortion cartel until abortion is abolished entirely.

Created Equal exists to establish the concept of human equality and expose the lethal injustice of abortion. Our projects include campus outreach, urban outreach, sidewalk counseling, Justice Rides, Operation Overpass, Project Weak Link, and others.

We will continue this work until the day abortion is abolished, but we need your help. Please consider donating to this mission.  Use this link to help Created Equal with their work.  

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