
Friday, March 16, 2018

Former “Bachelor” Sean Lowe Says He’s “Very” Pro-Life: “God Loved Us In Our Mother’s Wombs.”

By Katie Yoder
Life News

While the Oscars and Top Chef celebrate Planned Parenthood, a former star of ABC’s The Bachelor is going against the grain – and taking a stand for the unborn because “God loved us when we were in our mothers’ wombs.”

Last month, former Bachelor Sean Lowe and his wife, Catherine Giudici Lowe, visited Liberty University to share the story of their faith with thousands of young people. Sean also took the opportunity to speak about his pro-life convictions.

Married in 2014, the two met on the 17th season of The Bachelor. They’re the proud parents of 1-year-old Samuel and have another little one on the way. The couple made headlines for practicing abstinence until marriage. That’s because of Sean’s Christian faith – something he has always been very open about. His example led to Catherine’s conversion.

But that’s not the only thing that makes them stand out. They’re the only couple to marry after getting engaged on The Bachelor.

While at Liberty, on stage, Sean commented on Twitter and the danger of forgetting to treat social media users as human persons. For himself, he uses the platform to share “dumb dad jokes that probably only make me laugh,” rather than get involved in arguments.
“The world is divisive enough,” he explained, before offering an example.
“Being a believer, I know that we were created in God’s image,” he said. “We know that God loved us when we were in our mothers’ wombs. So I’m very pro-life.” 

Even so, he added, he isn’t going to make that point by starting a social media fight. He referenced Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.
“I’m not going to get on a Planned Parenthood Twitter and say, ‘You guys are going to hell,’” he continued. “You’re not changing their minds by doing that.”
Life News article continues here

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