
Saturday, March 24, 2018

Further Proof that Planned Parenthood is all About Abortion: “Abortion Queen” Wendy Davis is in the Running to Head the Business

By Texas Right to Life
National Right to Life

After Cecile Richards announced she will resign as president of Planned Parenthood in 2018, speculation turned to her replacement. America’s largest abortion business has given no indication yet of who will take Richard’s place, or even of when exactly Richards will step down, though reports indicate she will leave in May.

Texas’ infamous “Abortion Queen” Wendy Davis has taken the publicity opportunity to encourage rumors that she might be the next president of Planned Parenthood.

At the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas, POLITICO asked Davis if she would be interested in running Planned Parenthood. Davis dodged the question but indicated she was not opposed to taking the reins of America’s abortion corporation.

Instead of responding to the reporter’s question directly, Davis praised Planned Parenthood and stated that the abortion business “is always going to be part of the core of who I am.”

Truer words could not be spoken. Davis rose to national infamy by ardently defending late-term abortions in Texas. Davis stood on the floor of the Texas Senate for 11-hours in a last-ditch effort by abortion extremists to prevent the passage of life-saving legislation in 2013.

The bill Davis opposed most notably included a provision that protects babies from abortions at 20 weeks, the stage of development at which they undeniably feel the unimaginable pain []of being killed in abortion. 

Despite the efforts of abortion radicals and Davis’ filibuster, Pro-Life Texas legislators successfully passed the bill protecting pain-capable preborn babies and the legislation remains law today.

Although Davis’ abortion activism gained national attention, her anti-Life views seem to have been the death knell for her political career in Texas. Davis ran unsuccessfully for governor and has since been little more than an abortion fundraiser

Texas Right to Life PAC contributed to Pro-Life Governor Greg Abbott’s landslide victory in 2014 by exposing Davis’ radical abortion stance in advertising leading up to the election.

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