
Saturday, March 10, 2018



from Eric J.​​​​​ Scheidler, Executive Director
Pro-Life Action League

One of the most moving pro-life events the Pro-Life Action League hosts each year is the Way of the Cross for Victims of abortion, held each year on Good Friday at abortion facilities across the country. You can host a Way of the Cross service at the abortion facility in your area, and this page has all the tools you need, including an ecumenical prayer service book, templates to promote your event through e-mail and in churches, advice on practical considerations and more. 

Find out if there’s a service scheduled at your abortion facility by visiting the Way of the Cross 2018 event page and checking the list of locations there. Though the devotion of the Stations of the Cross has Catholic roots, the service we conduct is completely ecumenical. People of every denomination join us each year and there is no material in the book that would be offensive to non-Catholics. 

Please feel free to join or host a Way of the Cross no matter what your denomination.


The Pro-Life Action League is dedicated to saving mothers and babies from abortion through peaceful direct action. We encourage all pro-life Americans to join us on the front lines, actively fighting for an end to abortion. We are very active in Illinois, where we are headquartered, but our activism reaches across the globe.  For more information, please use this link.  

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