
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Hundreds of Thousands March to Protest Legalized Abortion in Argentina

By Lianne Laurence
Life Site News

Hundreds of thousands of Argentinians filled the streets in 200 cities across the predominantly Catholic country on Palm Sunday to march for life and against a bill to legalize abortion now before its national Congress.

While 50,000 marched in the capital Buenos Aires — formerly the diocese of Pope Francis — other cities reported crowds of up to 20,000 participants in the “Great Rally for Life” under the theme “save them both,” according to the Catholic online magazine Crux.

One participant tweeted there were “literally millions throughout the country.”

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Hoy literalmente fuimos millones en todo el país

Although the Catholic Church did not organize the march, more than 70 Catholic bishops took part either in person or on social media.

The Alliance of Evangelical Churches of Argentina also promoted the event, which included offers in some locations of free ultrasounds for pregnant women and collections of donations for charities that help mothers in distress, Crux reported.

For 20 years, Argentina has celebrated the National Day of the Unborn Child on March 25, which is also the Feast of the Annunciation, when Catholics mark the Virgin Mary’s “yes” to becoming the Mother of God and the conception of Jesus Christ in her womb.

This year, however, the march for life took place as Argentina’s lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, debates a bill to allow abortion on demand in the first 14 weeks of pregnancy.

The bill will also permit abortion “until the ninth month in three situations,” Crux reported: “When the pregnancy is product of rape (abortion under those circumstances is already legal in Argentina); when the life of the mother is at risk either physically (which is already decriminalized) or psychologically; and in cases of genetic malformation of the child.”

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