
Sunday, March 4, 2018

Maryland March for Life Youth Rally, Takes Place Monday, March 12th at St. Mary's High School


Calling all youth to the Youth Rally at the Maryland March for Life!

Come and enjoy a FREE pizza dinner while hearing from pro-life leaders and finding out about free pro-life resources!

Contact Michele Hendrickson with the Students for Life for more details and to reserve pizza for your group at by March 10th.

Maryland March for Life Religious Services
March 12, 2018
5:15 pm-6:15 pm

We will have a Catholic Mass and a Non-denominational service prior to the beginning of the march. This is a time to gather as communities of faith to pray for a respect for life and human dignity and for the success of our efforts in witnessing through the march.


The Most Rev. Mark E. Brennan, Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore, will be the celebrant and homilist at the Mass, which will be celebrated in both English and Spanish. Mass will be in St. Mary's Church.

Simultaneously, there will be a non-denominational service in St. Mary's High School cafeteria, led by local pastors and worship leaders.

Exhibitor Mixer at the Maryland March for Life
March 12, 2018
Immediately following the Rally

Immediately following the Rally, walk back to St. Mary's and join us for a mixer with a FREE Chick-fil-A meal. There you can mix and mingle with other pro-life Marylanders and network with pro-life groups that will be tabling during the mixer.

It is helpful for us, in order to ensure that we order enough food, if you would register to let us know you will be coming to the march and the mixer. General registration is FREE. Please register at this link, click TICKETS and then select General RSVP.

If your group is interested in tabling at the Mixer, please register through this link, click TICKETS and then select Exhibitor Registration. Table cost is $100. There is a small fee for online payments.


Maryland March for Life advocates the peaceful demonstration on behalf of legislation in support of life issues and those that support pregnant women.  For more information, please use this link.  


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thank you! I'll pass along your comment to the Maryland March for Life group.
