
Thursday, March 8, 2018

More Than Half of Planned Parenthood’s Non-Government Funding is From Abortion

By Carole Novielli
Live Action News

While Planned Parenthood continues to claim that abortion makes up only 3% of its services annually — a claim which the Washington Post fact-checkers and Live Action have debunked — Live Action News’ own analysis has found that Planned Parenthood’s revenue from abortions in 2016 is estimated at nearly $200 million dollars.

This estimate drives home the fact that Planned Parenthood is an abortion corporation, garnering over one-third of the reported U.S. abortion market. We also estimate that of Planned Parenthood’s non-government health services revenue, income from abortion comprised between 56 to 63 percent, and 12 to 14 percent of the organization’s total revenue. 

That figure has remained steady; last year, Live Action News found that Planned Parenthood’s 2015 estimated abortion revenue accounted for over half of Planned Parenthood’s non-government health services revenue and over 12 percent of Planned Parenthood’s total revenue.

How We Calculated the Numbers

To reach the nearly $200 million figure, Live Action News examined revenue and median abortion costs and compared them against abortion totals reported in Planned Parenthood’s 2016-2017 annual report, in which the organization reported committing 321,384 abortions. 

In calculating the data two ways using older Planned Parenthood/Guttmacher estimated abortion costs as well as more recent cost averages published by a national pro-life organization, we found a range of estimated abortion revenue between $177 million to $199 million.

1. Average Cost of Abortions

Planned Parenthood’s website notes the cost of a surgical abortion:

An abortion in the first trimester can cost up to $1,500, but it’s often less. The price of an abortion depends on where you get it (hospitals are often more expensive), and whether or not you have health insurance that will cover some or all of the cost. The cost also varies based on how long you’ve been pregnant — a second-trimester abortion usually costs more.

It also says this about the cost of a medication abortion:

The abortion pill can cost up to around $1000, but is often less. The cost of a medication abortion varies and depends on where you get it and whether or not you have health insurance that will cover some or all of the cost.

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