
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Oscars Celebrates Abortion, Honors Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Hollywood displayed its love affair with abortion Sunday at the Oscars by featuring the president of the largest abortion chain in America on stage.

Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood, was one of 10 activists invited to stand on stage during Andra Day and Common’s performance Sunday night at the Oscars, Blavity reports.

Richards and the others wore black as Common and Day sang their Oscar-nominated “Stand Up for Something.” The song urges people to resist violence and racism and to protect women’s rights – which, in the eyes of many Hollywood celebrities, means abortion on demand up to birth.
“It has never been more important to stand up for something: for social and criminal and EQUAL justice, for women’s rights, for civil rights, for human rights. From Syria, to Puerto Rico, to #StandingRock. #Oscars #Oscars90,” the abortion chain tweeted Sunday night.
“I stand for peace love and women’s rights.” - @Common

It has never been more important to stand up for something: for social and criminal and EQUAL justice, for women’s rights, for civil rights, for human rights. From Syria, to Puerto Rico, to .

One of the things that made Richards’ appearance so ironic is Planned Parenthood’s claim that its primary function is health care for low-income and minority patients. Yet, Richards repeatedly has shown Planned Parenthood to be a elitist, well-connected abortion giant whose support comes from the most wealthy, privileged people on earth, not the people it claims to serve.

Planned Parenthood’s top leader parties with celebrities and politicians while enjoying posh Manhattan offices, flattering media attention and a nearly $1 million-a-year salaryrunning the “non-profit.”

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood’s actual services to low-income and minority Americans have been declining rapidly. In the past decade, Planned Parenthood’s own reports show huge drops in patient numbers and actual health services. The abortion chain claims to be a key woman’s health care provider, but it does not provide any mammograms and almost no prenatal care or adoption services.

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