
Friday, March 30, 2018

Planned Parenthood Targets our Kids

Marjorie Dannenfelser, President

Susan B. Anthony List

Look at this disgusting message Planned Parenthood released:


Planned Parenthood’s goal is to deceive our children into believing the lives of innocent unborn babies have absolutely no value. If we don’t fight back against their lies, the next generation will grow up believing unborn babies can simply be aborted (and become customers of Planned Parenthood).

We’re fighting to protect our future generations from living in a world where abortions are as normal as getting a haircut or a manicure.

We may not have Planned Parenthood’s Hollywood donors bankrolling our cause, but we have YOU — the courageous Americans who proudly fight for the unborn and have built a growing movement that defends the sanctity of life.

I’m sick and tired of hearing Planned Parenthood lie to America by calling themselves “pro-choice.” They are pro-abortion — and the appalling message they just sent out proves it.

They’re willing to turn something as innocent as a Disney princess into a mouthpiece for the pro-abortion lobby.

Nothing is off the table for them, which is why we need to step up and FIGHT BACK.

Planned Parenthood will not rest until every American — even our kids — has been forcibly fed their disgusting propaganda that regards precious lives with utter contempt.

Please contact Alan Horn, Chairman of Walt Disney Studios Executive Team and let him know your thoughts about post-abortive princess. Encourage him to ignore Planned Parenthood's request.  Use this link to send your message. 

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