
Monday, March 26, 2018

Political Treason

by Bernard J. Byrne

"Treason" is defined in Webster's Dictionary as, violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's own country by waging war against it or by consciously acting to aid its enemies. Or just by betraying the trust of the people you may represent. 

Is there anyone who looks objectively at this definition of treason that could truthfully say that the democrats in Congress who held our military security hostage to their demands in the recent budget unless the government gave planned Parenthood almost one half Billion of our tax dollars? 

Planned Parenthood is the company whose main product is the aborting of hundred's of thousands of children every year. They are a company that has been exposed for selling baby parts, sometimes ripping these parts while the fetus was still alive. This is a company that had revenues of approximately 1.6 Billion dollars last year. 

We live in one of, if not the most dangerous times in history, and yet the democrats decided it would be better to leave our military underfunded, undertrained, lacking proper equipment and even spare parts for the equipment they had, unless the democrats got all the tax dollars they wanted for Planned Parenthood and all the other lobbyists they are beholding to.

They would rather deny this President a strong military, a strong border and a strong economy in order to satisfy their psychotic backers. They care nothing about the American citizens, only their lust for power and their hatred for our President. 
Make no mistake, there are many republicans also who are beholding to special interests and are doing everything they can to hamper the good works of this President. Twenty-five republicans joined with the democrats to pass the recent omnibus budget bill that will add over one half Trillion dollars to our national debt. The republicans will say they had to allow all the extra money in the budget for lobbyists in order to fully fund the military. 

 Don't be fooled by their excuses, the republican senate majority leader had the power to pass a good budget, by doing away with the filibuster and allowing a budget to be passed with a simple majority.

Congress is out of control; they are constantly putting our military and thus our citizens at physical risk with their under-funding of our security and putting our economic security and that of our children and grandchildren's financial risk by the mountainous debt that had doubled in the Obama administration and is shown no sign of slowing down in this administration. 

It's been said, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  Well, continuing to vote for these bozos that we now have in Congress, especially in the leaderships, both democrat and republican, is the "epitome of insanity". Please stand up and say, "No Mas, No More".

Bernard J. Byrne is a pro-life prayer warrior from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. 

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