
Friday, March 9, 2018

University Removes Poster Honoring Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger After Pro-Life Students Protest

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Pro-life students in the state of Missouri are celebrating a victory today. They successfully got the campus library at the University of Missouri to take down a poster honoring racist Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.

Mizzou Students for Life announced today that Ellis Library, the on-campus library, has removed a poster of Margaret Sanger from the Ellis Library. The removal is the end result of a request by Students for Life to remove Sanger from the library, because of her support for eugenics. The library originally said they were going to remove it during their next review, but has immediately removed it.

Kristen Wood, president of Mizzou Students for Life, applauded the library for its move.
“We applaud the library for removing the poster and no longer celebrating Margaret Sanger and her eugenicist views. At the same time, we have told the library we expect they will never put the poster back up again, and if they do we will continue with our petitions and public pressure. 
 The university should never be celebrating and promoting someone who publicly opposed people in poverty and racial minorities from having children, and someone who supported putting people on birth control to prevent them from having children,” she told LifeNews.
Ceci Haberdash, the group’s Public Relations Chair noted another benefit of the decision to take down the poster.

A well-known eugenicist, Sanger wrote and spoke frequently about how certain groups of human beings were less valuable than others.

Sanger’s thoughts about the poor, immigrants and others were just as ugly. She described them as “human weeds,” “reckless breeders” and “spawning … human beings who never should have been born” in her book “Pivot of Civilization.”

Sanger also wrote about getting rid of people with diseases and disabilities through sterilization and segregation, describing these “morons” as “a dead weight of human waste.”

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