
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Woman Was Abandoned at Birth Because of Large Facial Moles, Makeup Artist Turns Her Into a Beauty Queen

By Micaiah Bilger 
Life News

The little things that people do to affirm the value of another person’s life sometimes are the most touching.

Irina Pavlutskaya, from Yakutsk, Russia, was abandoned as a baby after she was born with rare physical deformities, the Daily Mail reports.

A make-up artist named Goar Avetisyan learned about Pavlutskaya, now an adult, and decided to give her a makeover to help her feel beautiful.

Pavlutskaya has a rare condition called congenital melanocytic nevi that causes large moles to form all over her skin. The report hints that this may have been a reason why her parents abandoned her as an infant.

To make the woman feel beautiful, Avetisyan used a color corrector to cover up the dark moles, followed by foundation, mascara and other make-up, according to the report. Pavlutskaya also had her hair styled. A video of the makeover has attracted thousands of viewers.

Avetisyan said she learned about Pavlutskaya through the Russian media and thought she would like to “see herself without [the moles] at least for a day.”

Here’s more from the report:

Explaining why she decided to give Irina a makeover, Goar said: ‘Just the other day my dms exploded and everyone’s been asking to transform Irina from Yakutia after she was on ‘Live with Andrey Malakhov’ TV show.

She became the most popular girl in Russia who was named leopard-girl. Ira’s fate is very complicated: she was born with an enormous amount of birthmarks on all of her body and her mom gave her up.
‘I decided to try and cover up those birthmarks so that Irina could see herself without them at least for a day.'
It was clear that Goar’s work made Pavlutskaya feel valued. Pavlutskaya gasped with delight at the end of the video when she saw herself in the mirror.

Something as simple as a makeover – and more importantly the time and care put into it – can show a person just how valuable they are.

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