
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Arizona 8 Special Election: Pro-life Debbie Lesko defeats Pro-Abortion Hiral Tipirneni

By Karen Cross, Political Director
National Right to Life

National Right to Life congratulates pro-life Congresswoman-elect Debbie Lesko (R) for her win Tuesday in Arizona’s eighth congressional district special election.

Polling had the race in a dead heat.

The highly publicized race to determine former Congressman Trent Franks’ successor was a classic pro-life vs. pro-abortion contest. Debbie Lesko is pro-life while her opponent, Dr. Hiral Tipirneni (D), supports abortion on demand throughout the pregnancy.

Tipirneni had the support of the abortion trifecta: EMILY’s List, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

The National Right to Life Victory Fund endorsed state Sen. Lesko and contacted thousands of members in the district to let them know of the stark contrast between the candidates on life.

Voters were told that Debbie Lesko supports the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act – legislation to protect unborn children by prohibiting abortion at 20 weeks, a point by which the unborn child is capable of experiencing great pain when being killed by dismemberment or other late abortion methods. Like most voters, Lesko opposes using tax dollars to pay for abortion.

Voters were also told that Tipirneni supports abortion on demand and supports using tax dollars to pay for abortion on demand.
“State Senator Debbie Lesko’s position on life reflects the true values of Arizona’s voters,” said Carol Tobias, National Right to Life president.
 “We look forward to working with Congresswoman-elect Lesko to protect the most vulnerable members of the human family – unborn children and medically dependent or disabled persons whose lives are threatened by abortion or euthanasia.”
Website: National Right to Life 

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