
Friday, April 27, 2018

German Doctor Slams Treatment of Alfie Evans: “Here Alfie Would Have Been Home a Year Ago”

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

A German doctor and professor is slamming the way that Alfie Evans has been treated by the British medical system and courts. He says Alfie should have been home a long time ago and that if Alfie were a patient in Germany that would have happened.

As LifeNews has reported, Alfie’s parents are attempting to get him home in negotiations with Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. That is the hospital that removed Alice’s life support without their permission.

As the parents of Alfie Evans were preparing to meet with hospital staff to find out if they would be able to bring him home, a prominent doctor who has studied Alfie says he is not dying and is not brain-dead and says the hospital needs to quit holding him as if he were in a prison.

Alfie supposedly has a degenerative neurological condition but that diagnosis is being challenged now that Alfie is breathing on his own without life support.

And Professor Nikolaus Haas is adding him name to the chorus of concerns, saying that the British system places too much emphasis on doctors and courts and not enough on patients and families. He says Alfie could potentially live for six months if his parents were allowed to take him home and said he’s upset it hasn’t happened sooner. He also described a decision by the courts to deny the toddler’s parents the chance to take their son to Italy as “crazy.”

But in an interview with German news outlet Welt, Professor Haas insisted the child should be allowed to leave intensive care weeks ago.

He said: “If you have a child that is medically beyond treatment, you still have to take care of these patients. 
“We say that these patients should not lie in the intensive care unit, but should be optimally cared for.
“For example, in a facility or at home, depending on the parents’ wish and their abilities.”But he added: “Every major children’s hospital has about a dozen such children who are severely handicapped and then cared for in the nursing home or at home. It is total routine.
“In Germany, Alfie would have been home a year ago with such care!”
Professor Haas has been involved with Alfie’s case for several months.

He has personally examined the toddler and previously provided expert evidence to the High Court at the request of the child’s family.

Alfie has survived for a third day after hospital doctors removed his life support without their permission.

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