
Monday, April 9, 2018

Ghoulish Tweet about Disney Princesses shows Planned Parenthood's True Colors

by Christine Flowers
The Philadelphia Daily News

This week has taught me that ambivalence about terminating a pregnancy is far preferable to the disgusting trend of celebrating not just the right to have an abortion, but the act itself.

As we mark the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, some of the more unabashed advocates of abortion have started to tell women that they must come out of the shadows and abandon their shame. Bust magazine profiled several women who sported their abortions like badges of honor. The women were photographed wearing shirts that said things like “Abortion is normal” and “Everyone I know had an abortion” and the most offensive one of all, “Abortion is Pro Life.” I stared in open-mouthed horror at the brazen way these women were flaunting the fact that they had terminated their pregnancies — as I see it, killed their babies — as if this were something to be listed on their resumés.

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