
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Hospital Removes Alfie Evans’ Life Support Over His Parents’ Objections

By Dave Andrusko
Life News

According to supporters of Alfie Evans and his parents, Alder Hey Children’s Hospital reportedly went ahead and removed Alfie’s life support over their objections.

The decision by the Children’s Hospital to remove Alfie Evans’ life support reportedly came after an emergency meeting between attorneys for Alfie’s parents, an Italian government representative, lawyers for the children’s hospital and the judge who allowed the hospital to proceed previously. As supporters of Alfie told LifeNews, Justice Hayden was unpersuaded by a late move from Italy to declare Alfie a citizen. He went ahead and allowed the Children’s Hospital to remove Alfie’s life support anyway.

As Liverpool Echo reports:

A High Court judge has dismissed a “last-ditch appeal” by the parents of Alfie Evans – the 23-month-old boy who has been at the centre of a life-support treatment fight.

Mr Justice Hayden had said doctors at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool could stop providing life-support treatment to Alfie.

Alfie’s parents, Tom Evans and Kate James, who are both in their early 20s and from Liverpool, asked for a delay to give them time to mount a further challenge.

But the judge has refused their application and given doctors the go-ahead to stop treatment and bring Alfie’s life to an end.

Alfie’s father confirmed the removal of life support and oxygen in a video at 9:17 p.m. London time. “Alfie’s still here and fighting,” he said.

In the video, Alfie’s parents are shown in his room at this moment wondering if Alfie will pass away before he was given proper medical care and treatment and a chance to try experimental treatment to possibly deal with the adverse effects of the degenerative neurological condition he is facing.

Earlier in the day, Italy granted citizenship to Alfie Evans, the 23-month-old little boy whose hospital is threatening to revoke his life support without his parents’ consent.

Italy’s decision would have made it so Alfie’s parents could theoretically bring him to a hospital in Rome that has offered to provide appropriate medical care and treatment and to look at experimental treatments that could help his degenerative neurological condition. However, British courts have prevented Alfie’s parents from taking him there and a European Court of human rights has refused to intervene.

As ANSA reported:

Italy on Monday gave Italian citizenship to terminally ill British toddler Alfie Evans so that he can hopefully be “immediately” moved to Italy from Liverpool, where doctors are set to pull the plug on him, the foreign ministry said. “Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano and Interior Minister Marco Minniti have granted citizenship to little Alfie,” the ministry said.

“In this way the Italian government hopes that being an Italian citizen will enable the immediate transfer of the child to Italy”.

Alfie’s father Thomas Evans confirmed on a Facebook post that his son had received Italian citizenship.

“Alfie has been granted Italian citizenship, we await for the foreign minister to call Borris Johnson. Alfie belongs to Italy,” he wrote.

Pavel Strolilov of Christian Legal, who is representing Alfie’s parents, says the Italian ambassador has contacted the UK court on behalf of Alfie. According to Evans, the family’s attorneys will participate in a conference call with Justice Hayden, the Italian ambassador, and Alder Hey Children’s hospital officials to determine if Alfie can leave the country now that he is an Italian citizen. But it now appears the meeting was unsuccessful.

Pope Francis has repeatedly spoken on Alfie’s behalf and urged this afternoon that Alfie’s parents be allowed to bring him to Italy.

The move comes after the European Court of Human Rights refused to intervene to save the 23-month-old boy from Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, which is yanking his life support without his parents’ consent. 

Blogger's note:

Where do British courts get the authority to supplant parental God-given rights?  Euthanasia has become lawful in many nations. Voices for the Unborn have published numerous articles of patients with dementia and mental illness have been euthanized.  When government becomes the sole arbiter of vulnerable human life, the odious spectre of the elitist mentalitly is laid bare for all to see. 

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