
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

New Jersey Action Alert! Gestational Surrogacy Bill up for a Vote on Thursday, April 12th in the Assembly

from Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life

The Gestational Surrogacy bill, A1704/S482 has been scheduled for a Vote before the full Assembly this Thursday, April 12th. The Senate previously passed this bill so if the Assembly passes it, it will be sent to the Governor's desk.

Below are some reasons why this bill should be opposed:

  • This legislation will legalize the commodification of children and exploitation of women. It poses the risk of developing a breeder class of women, who will be subjected to exploitation by brokers and agencies that have a financial interest in the passage of this law. The Assembly Sponsor Valerie Vaneri Huttle admitted at the 2/12 Assembly Women and Children's Committee that the intended parents will have the right to direct the birth mother to have an abortion or reduction of her pregnancy if they so desire.
  • There are no restrictions or limitations on how many surrogate pregnancies a woman can have. 
  • The legislation is silent on the actual language that will exist in the contract, allowing surrogacy brokers to impose all types of unknown stipulations that cater to the whims and wishes of the intended parents and direct nearly every detail of the surrogate's life up to the moment of birth and surrendering of the child. 

Please click on the link to read this research article, "Perinatal Outcomes after Natural Conception versusin vitro Fertilization (IVF) in Gestational Surrogates: A Model to Evaluate IVF Treatment versus Maternal Effects," which illustrates that gestational surrogacy is harmful to both women and children, then take the following action immediately:

1. Call and email your 2 Assembly Members and urge them to Vote No on A1704/S482. You can search your two Assembly members by municipality Here.

You can also call the Office of Legislative Services between 9 and 5 to obtain this information.

2. Email and Call Governor Murphy and tell him to Veto A1704/S482 if it reaches his desk.

Governor Murphy: 609 292 6000
Email the Governor HERE

From drop down menu, select, "Children and Families"

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