
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Obstetrician: “There is No Medical Evidence” for Aborting an Unborn Baby to Make Women Safer

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Abortion activists are pushing Ireland to legalize abortion based on the claim that women will be safer.

But Irish doctors and nurses refuted the false claim Thursday during a campaign to save the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution, which protects unborn babies’ right to life.

“The repeal of the Eighth Amendment will not make women safer in pregnancy, it will simply change only how politicians may legalise abortion,” said Dr. John Mongahan, an obstetrician, during the campaign launch, The Irish Independent reports.
Joining fellow medical professionals, politicians and concerned pro-life advocates, Mongahan emphasized that abortion is not health care, according to The Journal.
“There is no medical evidence for getting rid of the 8th Amendment, what we have is personal views delivered as medical expertise,” he continued. “Not on one occasion was I ever prevented from protecting a woman’s life because of the 8th Amendment.”
If the amendment is repealed, he and others expressed concerns about conscience protections for doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who see healthy women with healthy unborn babies who want abortions. Studies indicate the vast majority of abortions fall into this category.

Health worker and campaigner Marie Donnelly, who also spoke at the launch, said legalizing abortion does not benefit women, according to the report.

“[Abortion] is not medicine, it is not necessary, it is just a license to kill,” she said.
Eimear Thornton, Ph.D. of National University of Ireland Galway, said abortion activists have been trying to hide the truth about abortion from the voting public.
“As adults we become desensitised to violence … and along the way lost empathy. We are being asked to vote for abortion in the absence of a discussion about what an abortion is,” she said.
Life News article continues here 

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