
Friday, April 6, 2018

Planned Parenthood's Abortion Fixation

from the Catholic League for Religious & Civil Rights

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards:

In her recently published memoir, outgoing Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards says that in January 2017 she and her husband met with Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner. She claims that Kushner floated the idea that if Planned Parenthood stopped providing abortions, federal funding for the organization would proceed smoothly.

Richards, who said "it almost felt like a bribe," is still incensed by the comment. To her, it was a ploy to make Ivanka and Jared look like "savvy dealmakers." Richards insists she was "essentially being asked to barter away women's rights for more money." Which is an odd thing to say given that exploiting women for money is what Planned Parenthood does for a living.

Predictably, the Kushners are being blasted by the champions of abortion, and Richards is being received as a heroine. But why?

Richards is playing both sides of the street. When pressed why Planned Parenthood is so fixated on abortion, she and her spokeswomen point to its latest annual report (2016-2017) to show that only 3 percent of its services have anything to do with abortion. Most of its work, they say, deals with such issues as testing and treatment, cancer screening, contraception, sex education, and other women's health services.

If this is true, then why are Richards and her fans so upset by Ivanka and Jared's proposal?
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