
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Glaring Omission in Cecile Richards’ New Book

By Maria Gallagher
Life News

Perhaps the most troubling aspect of Planned Parenthood chief Cecile Richards’s book, Make Trouble, is a glaring omission: the stories of women who have had abortions and who regret them.

These are the dissatisfied customers of the abortion industry. Richards mentions this regret only in order to make a disparaging comment about pro-life activists.

Otherwise, these wounded souls are invisible in the book’s pages.

Richards also fails to mention the many, many young people who demonstrate their commitment to the cause of life—not only at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., but also in their hometowns and their high schools, their communities and their colleges.

Again, these vibrant young people appear to be invisible to her.

Also invisible is the little girl or boy in a mother’s womb. The author closes her eyes to their humanity, even as science has proven, again and again, that they are living beings.

She blithely dismisses advocates for life as the “crazy opposition.” She claims that women would have nowhere to go for health care if it weren’t for Planned Parenthood. In truth, the federal tax dollars could be redirected to health centers which could provide the comprehensive care that Planned Parenthood lacks.

Richards demonstrates the organization’s militancy and extremism on the issue of abortion with this telling statement: “Planned Parenthood would not support legislation that banned abortion coverage”—even if it meant defeat for a bill for which it had been lobbying.

It is unfortunate, as Richards writes, that her own abortion “wasn’t an agonizing decision” for her. She denies that the abortion was a tragedy.

But the taking of an innocent human life is always a tragedy—whether Richards acknowledges it or not. A preborn child is human—whether the abortion advocate accepts it or not.

Women who regret their abortions deserve a hearing—whether Planned Parenthood officials are listening or not.

And today’s pro-life teenagers can make Roe v. Wade disappear into the ash bin of history—whether or not Richards recognizes the tremendous harm that 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision has had on women and their unborn children.

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