
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Trump Administration Says Abortion is Not a Human Right

By Austin Ruse
Life News

(C-Fam) In presenting the annual U.S. report on global human rights, Ambassador Michael Kozak told reporters that abortion is not a human right and therefore “reproductive rights” was no longer included in the report.

“Reproductive rights” was a rather recent addition to the report, included by the Obama administration that, Kozak claims, never intended the term to include abortion. He said it only acquired that meaning in recent years through its use by partisans on both sides of the abortion debate. 

If this were true, the question arises as to why the term abortion is used under the “reproductive rights” section in the 2013 report on Ireland. Pro-lifers would point out that at least in general usage, the term has always included abortion. Kozak did correctly describe abortion as a largely unsettled question of national policy around the world.

Kozak said that forced abortions and involuntary sterilization would be considered violations of human rights. He said, “it is internationally recognized that somebody should force you to have an abortion or coerce you to be sterilized.”
Kozak said, “We’ve really gotten at it by flipping back to the original U.S. statutory language. It’s in places like China where in order to enforce their — now — two-child policy that there are reports of coerced abortion and involuntary sterilization [or] in North Korea, where the government also coerces [or] forces abortion — although sometimes that’s for political punishment rather than family planning.”
The U.S. report and Kozak’s statements on abortion certainly run afoul of the political left. The report has already been blasted by Amnesty International which says this is further proof the United States under President Trump is moving farther away from human rights globally. The pro-abortion Center for Human Rights maintains that abortion is a human right through customary international law.

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