
Friday, April 20, 2018

Woman With Down Syndrome Says Twitter Suspended Her Account for Tweets Opposing Abortion

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Disability rights advocate Charlotte “Charlie” Fien accused Twitter of suspending her account this week because of her vocal opposition to abortion.

Fien, who has Down syndrome, gained wide-spread attention last year when she delivered a powerful response to a United Nations abortion activist.

On Tuesday, Fien said Twitter temporarily blocked her account because of the pro-life messages that she posts, The Christian Post reports.
“Hi Followers, After more than 24 hours I’m allowed back into my Twitter account. Funny how Twitter allows willy pics and boobs. Funny how Twitter allows paedophiles and other scum. Funny how Twitter doesn’t like my Pro Life pics and blocks them,” she wrote Tuesday.
Fien is one of many pro-life advocates who has had content blocked by Twitter and other social media sites.

In September, Live Action, the youth-centered pro-life organization known for its undercover investigations, said Twitter has been censoring its ads. Live Action founder Lila Rose said the social media site blocked their ability to advertise and told them to change information on their websites if they want to start advertising again.

Twitter also refused to run an ad from the Susan B. Anthony List in the fall because it contained the phrase “killing babies.”

In October, Twitter rejected another ad from pro-life Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn because she mentioned Planned Parenthood’s sales of aborted baby body parts. Twitter later reversed its decision after LifeNews and other news outlets reported about the matter.

Fien’s Twitter page is back up, and she continued to advocate for babies with disabilities this week in a series of tweets. Specifically, she urged Irish voters to consider what could happen to babies with disabilities if abortion becomes legal there.

So, the NHS says 92% of British women abort for DS up to birth. Not 90% my bad it’s actually 92%! Of course, now that the NIPT is FREE on the NHS it will go up to Denmark/Iceland termination rate. Which is exactly what pro aborters want in Ireland.

Back in December, Fien gained international attention when she gave a powerful speech about the value of unborn babies with disabilities.

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