
Sunday, May 27, 2018


Lauren Muzyka, Executive Director
Sidewalk Advocates for Life

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." - Galatians 6:9

Ever prayed and worked so hard for something, but wondered if it would really happen?

The pro-life community of Harrisburg, PA wondered, too. The local abortion facility, Hillcrest, had been there for generations, taking the lives of 150,000+ innocent children while racking up an astonishing 44 pages of health and safety violations. They wondered if their prayers would be answered in their lifetime to witness the facility close.

Becky of Undefeated Courage — also the Director of Rachel's Vineyard for Central PA— decided to bring Sidewalk Advocates for Life to their community to help bring more structure to their loving outreach to abortion-minded women at the facility. Starting in the Fall of 2014, Becky and her team of Sidewalk Advocates — alongside the prayers of Kathy and 40 Days for Life-Harrisburg and countless others —built almost a constant presence at the facility...

...and in the Fall of 2017, they received the news that their prayers had been answered!! To God be the Glory!!

Watch the 3-minute inspirational video story below:

Please keep in your prayers all those who lost preborn children at this facility — we know God can heal them and bring them peace and freedom! Please also continue to pray for Becky and her team as they now cover the next two nearest facilities in prayer and peaceful outreach!

Want to help save lives and close your local abortion facility?

Knowing how busy you are, we developed a simple, research-proven sidewalk advocacy training program — along with tools and support — so you can be successful in reaching out to abortion-minded women and men through God's amazing grace! (Yes, we were created for busy people who want to make a difference!)

All you do is fill out a 5-minute application (where you pledge to be peaceful, prayerful and law-abiding), agree to a short phone conversation so we can answer your initial questions, and once approved, we ship you everything you need to quickly build a team of Sidewalk Advocates. Then, we walk with you, answering your questions and troubleshooting challenges as you build and grow.

Applications to bring Sidewalk Advocates for Life to your community this summar are NOW OPEN through May 31 at!

Questions? Check out How it WorksHERE:

...or drop us a line at, and we'd love to be of service!

Don't give up, friends! God is moving, and we are seeing the beginning of the end of abortion!

The Vision and Mission of Sidewalk Advocates for Life is to train, equip, and support local communities across the United States and the world in “sidewalk advocacy”: to be the hands and feet of Christ, offering loving, life-affirming alternatives to all present at the abortion center, thereby eliminating demand and ending abortion.  For more information, please use this link.

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