
Friday, May 25, 2018

Beginning of the End for Planned Parenthood

from Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

Planned Parenthood aborts more than 320,000 innocent babies each year.

It takes nearly $1.5 million of our tax dollars every day.

It has been caught selling the body parts of aborted babies. Its diabolical business model of abortion, silencing the pro-life competition, and taking our tax dollars has led to exorbitant record profits.

In the wake of the undercover videos that exposed Planned Parenthood’s gruesome sale of body parts, states across the country said enough is enough. They took legal and legislative action to defund Planned Parenthood – to stop giving our money to this abhorrent abortion industry.

Planned Parenthood has lashed back in court.

Now a case pending at the U.S. Supreme Court could determine whether states can defund Big Abortion.

1 comment:

  1. Abortion is inhuman and devilish. It is God Who gives life. Condemn Killing in the womb. Appreciate all 'Pro-life' people. God Bless.
