
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Cecile Richards Finally Leaves Planned Parenthood After 12 Years and 3.5 Million Abortions

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Cecile Richards officially left her position as the CEO of America’s largest abortion business on Monday.

Richards announced her plans to resign from Planned Parenthood in January, barely a month after the U.S. Department of Justice said it is investigating whether the abortion chain illegally sold aborted baby body parts.

Planned Parenthood has not announced Richards’ replacement at the time of the writing of this article.

“For 12 yrs, Mom has put her heart & soul into running Planned Parenthood,” Richards’ daughter Lily Adams tweeted Monday. “On her last day, it’s impossible to express what this org has meant to her & our family. We can’t wait to continue to support it as a few of the 11 million supporters across the country. #ThankYouCecile”

Planned Parenthood’s various twitter accounts also posted messages thanking their “fearless leader” for her abortion advocacy.

In her last speech as president, Richards spoke Sunday to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Texas, according to AJMC. There, she urged the pro-abortion medical group to support webcam abortions, a dangerous method in which women abort their unborn babies without ever seeing a doctor in person.

Richards has not indicated what she plans to do next. Right now, she is promoting her memoir, “Make Trouble,” but there is speculation that she may try to run for office. Her daughter Lily Adams works for pro-abortion U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris and Richards used to work for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Blogger's note: 

Cecile Richards' supporters call her a 'fearless leader'. How much courage does it take to push an aggressive agenda to snuff out the lives of millions of defenseless unborn babies? 

There are millions of women who suffer in silence. They swallowed Planned Parenthood's lie that abortion is a simple procedure with no consequences. Silent No More chronicles hundreds of stories of women who regret their abortion. They suffer an array of emotional, mental and physical pain. To help these wounded women Rachel's Vineyard offers weekend retreats in the US and 47 other countries on healing, forgiveness and restoration.

So what is Cecile Richards' legacy since 2006 as president of Planned Parenthood?

May Cecile Richards be set free from the deceit of Satan. May she come to her Creator and Savior for forgiveness, healing and peace.

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