
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

In Memory of Alfie Evans, We Must Press Forward

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

I will never forget that night. My baby daughter, who had been battling a bad cold, was struggling for breath. In the emergency room, surrounded by children in similar straits, I heard from the doctor the words no parent ever wants to hear: "Your child is the sickest one here."

The fear that gripped me was unfathomable. I felt so helpless, so desperate for a cure. Thankfully, my baby girl rebounded enough to be sent home with a nebulizer, a machine that vaporized liquid medication for her to inhale, and a preliminary diagnosis of asthma.

I could have never dreamed that night that my daughter would grow to be a star ballerina and a competitive swimmer. Such athletic feats seemed far beyond her reach. But with patience, practice, and prayer, she grew in health and strength.

This is why, I believe, the story of little Alfie Evans so touches my heart. I can relate to his parents, so desperate and determined to get him the best care possible. I can understand their anguish when the UK hospital in which he was trapped refused to give him that care--in fact, even blocked him from traveling to an overseas facility for treatment.

When I posted on my Facebook page the horrifying news that Alfie had died, I received more comments than I have ever fielded for a social media post. The comments all carried with them intense sorrow at the injustice of Alfie's plight.

But I will not rest in grief. The case has invigorated my opposition to euthanasia. In memory of Alfie, I believe we who recognize the sanctity of innocent human life must press on, willing to peacefully battle the powers-that-be to restore protection for the most innocent and most vulnerable among us.

Alfie's young life can never be replaced. But he remains our hero, a martyr victimized by a cold-hearted court system and medical establishment. May he rest in eternal peace, and may we nobly fight on.

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