
Sunday, May 27, 2018

Ireland Sides with the Serpents. Now What?

by Mickey Kelly

If you are like me, I am devastated and appalled that nearly 2/3 of the voters in Ireland have voted for the repeal of the 8th Amendment. Following the potato famine, half of its population immigrated to the Western Hemisphere. The country has not recovered from it. Unfortunately, Ireland will created more problems with the repeal. Thanks to big liberal billionaires like George Soros who help influence its outcome. 

It is no different in many parts of the world, especially in the United States that has seen 45 years of bloodshed of over 60 million babies. 1/3 of the Americans aborted were Millennials.

The reason it's all happening is because Satan was allowed to run our lives and not letting God in our lives. Satan is alive and well in the abortion industries, cafeteria Catholicism, and even many elected officials who support his agenda. The Catholic Church is divided because of poor catechism, vague preaching from many members of the clergy, and misinformation brought out by radical atheists who hate her teachings on life and marriage. Those who support abortion should not bother receiving communion until they repent of their sins and renounce Satan.

Voters of Ireland, like the nine men who sat on the Supreme Court in 1973, have made history for the worse. When they meet their creator on Judgment Day, God will ask them either of these two questions: How did you live your life? or What did you do to prevent the murder of innocent babies?

If I am one of those people, I would tell them that I prayed in front of abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood. I am offer time in adoration for the unborn and the conversion of the escorts and workers at the abortion facilities.

If we believe that abortion is murder, then we need to step out and peacefully assemble. Social media outlets may be good, yet it is not effective when there are boots on the ground. It's time pro lifers get off the screens, lace up their shoes, draw out our spiritual weapons, and bring the faith visibly back to the public square. We need to be bolder in our faithful witness. We need to fulfill works of mercy, fast, pray, educate, and most importantly not be afraid in our pro-life convictions. The pro-life movement is built on faith, hope, love and mercy. Let us use these virtues to save the unborn and give women the care they most desperately deserve.

Our Lady told us that her Immaculate Heart will triumph over death. We must never give up, persevere in faith, be courageous and bold in our faith, have a flame of charity, joy, and mercy burning in our hearts every time we stand against Satan outside of abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood. Most importantly, engage and educate our family, friends, and fellow parishioners on what really matters.

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