
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

New 'Roe v. Wade' Movie Will Show the 'Social War' Behind the Landmark Decision Legalizing Abortion

By Lauretta Brown

Actor and producer Nick Loeb spoke with Townhall recently about his upcoming feature-length film ‘Roe v. Wade’ that tells the untold story behind the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Loeb calls the film a “war movie essentially” saying it’s “a social war movie,” that shows those behind legalizing abortion and those who fought them.

While the movie is about historical events, Loeb described the film as a “little bit of a conspiracy movie,” comparing it to Oliver Stone’s “JFK.” The film illustrates Planned Parenthood and the media manipulating and lying to Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe in the case, and the public as part of their push to legalize abortion in America. The film also explores the foundations of the pro-life movement as many emerged to fight the legalization of abortion.

Loeb is teaming up with Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King Jr. and pro-life advocate, Academy award winner Jon Voight, Stacey Dash, and Stephen Baldwin to make the film through a crowdfunding campaign at They hope to start shooting the film by the end of the spring.

Loeb explained some of the lies involved in what the movie dubs “the most corrupt court case in history.”

“All she wanted was to have an abortion,” he said of Norma McCorvey. She was already in her second trimester when the attorneys met with her. She told them she just wanted an abortion, asking if she would be able to get one. “They outright lied to her and said yes,” Loeb said. The courts don’t work that quickly and McCorvey never got her abortion.
Loeb says the film tracks judicial corruption and media manipulation as the case makes its way to the Supreme Court where, after some intrigue, the justices voted 7-2 in favor of legalizing abortion.

The movie also follows the story of Dr. Mildred Jefferson, the first African American woman to graduate from Harvard medical school, who ended up being the second president of National Right to Life. Loeb says Jefferson’s opposition to abortion came from taking the Hippocratic Oath as a doctor to save lives not to kill them but also her belief that “abortion was the number one killer of African Americans in our country.”

Jefferson’s efforts clash with Margaret Sanger’s infamous “Negro Project.” Loeb says the movie opens with Sanger's speech at a Ku Klux Klan meeting, in which she details her efforts to reduce the population of African-Americans.

The story has not been an easy one to tell. Loeb spoke of the many obstacles he’s faced in making the film, including Facebook briefly banning them from sharing the crowdfunding link and from advertising. Facebook claimed they “were spamming by inviting our friends,” Loeb says. Facebook eventually backed down and said the ads were disapproved “in error.”

Town Hall article continues here

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