
Tuesday, May 8, 2018

No, Danielle Campoamor, Abortion Is Not Pro-Life

by Alexandra DeSanctis
National Review

To ignore the scientific reality of fetal life is to ignore the central point of contention in the abortion debate.

Abortion is not pro-life.

That this sentence even needs to be written is a testament to the hubris and overreach of modern abortion-rights activism — as each day it becomes decidedly more pro-abortionand undeniably less pro-choice.

In just over a decade, this movement of death has stealthily shifted from “safe, legal, and rare,” a tragic but necessary choice, to “shout your abortion” and abortion as a social good, to abortion as the sacrament of a truly pro-life society. How far they’ve managed to run in so little time with their “reproductive rights.”

Over the weekend, CNN published an op-ed titled “Why supporting abortion is a pro-life position,” written by feminist abortion advocate Danielle Campoamor, who, we are told in a disclaimer upfront, “received an award from Planned Parenthood for media excellence.” It shows.

Article continues here

Alexandra DeSanctis is a William F. Buckley Jr. Fellow in Political Journalism with the National Review Institute.

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