
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Pro-Abortionists Lament that Pregnancy Centers are Thriving in Texas

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

I confess that I am both appalled and fascinated by the abortion lobby’s obsession with Pregnancy Centers/Crisis Pregnancy Centers. The language they use betrays not only their determination not to understand what these women-helping centers, but also a willingness to freely distort to the point of absurdity.

When it come to talking about their nemesis, the actions of the Abortion Industry are the reverse of the three wise monkeys: they only see, hear, and speak evil of “fake clinics.”

For example, the Abortion Industry’s Leader of the Pack—Planned Parenthood—kills 320,000+ babies a year. They are a $1.4 billion “non-profit” primarily because of the revenue their abortion carnage brings in.

PPFA is compensated annually by the federal government to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. They benefit from other government sources as well and a growing amount of that comes from private sources.

For example, according to a story in the Dallas Morning News, an anonymous donor has promised $9 million earmarked for Planned Parenthood clinics in West Texas.

So when I read the first paragraph from the pro-abortion website I can only shake my head in disbelief:
Among the Texas fake clinics identified by Rewire.News, more than 50 receive state funding through a program created by the Republican-controlled legislature in 2005.
That’s pennies on the dollars compared to the pipeline through which public and private resources stream into the abortion industry’s coffers. It’s a faucet drip compared to a river. If I were the author of the piece, I’d be embarrassed.

But there is a lot of good news in the post, which, of course, is bad news for them. Here are a few examples…

For every abortion provider in Texas, there are ten crisis pregnancy centers or fake clinics [a total of 200], staffed by anti-choice activists trying to dissuade people from seeking abortion services.
Ah, yes, these clinics are trying to dissuade “people” (otherwise known as women) from aborting. And the reason there are ten times more of them than there are abortion clinics is that they are almost entirely staffed by women, the overwhelming percentage of which are volunteers .
Emily Martin, program director of NARAL Pro-Choice Texas, told Rewire.News that fake clinics are “thriving” in the state, while access to abortion care continues to be “bleak.”

Are they “thriving” because of state funding, which is obviously the suggestion? Of course not.

One of the catchy new idioms coined by the Abortion Industry is “abortion deserts,” defined in the article as “major cities where people have to travel more than 100 miles to reach an abortion facility.” Texas has 10 of the 27, we’re told, and (horror of horrors), “There is at least one fake clinic in each of the state’s cities classified as an abortion desert.”

For people living in those areas, Martin said, fake clinics may seem like the only option.
“I think it’s obvious that you could come to the conclusion that people living in places like the panhandle or West Texas, where there isn’t a nearby clinic that provides abortion, that they are going to end up [at] these places,” Martin said.
“End up” in a place that offers life instead of death, which seeks to find alternatives to killing unborn babies? How terrible…for Planned Parenthood.

1 comment:

  1. What alterbatives do these women get from PP are 5hey given imformation on adoption agencies are they given pre Naral care, not that I hear.
