
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Watch this Pro-life Hero in Action at the UN

from Austin Ruse
Publisher/Friday Fax

A few weeks ago, C-Fam’s Stefano Gennarini gave a heroic address to a UN Commission. I tried to send it to you a few weeks ago and failed, but I am placing the link here below.

Stefano’s talk points up one of the amazing things about the C-Fam team. They are utterly fearless.

Imagine giving a talk in a room full of mostly hostile listeners and GIVING THE TALK ANYWAY. Paying no heed to the hate in the room.

Imagine making them listen to a message not only about life but about family, too, and the natural kind.

UN radicals are keen to impose child killing all over the world. They are keen to impose the unnatural family all over the world. And there are very few of us there to stop them, yet we do, C-Fam does, Stefano Gennarini does.

We are so blessed to have this man working for us.

On this day, Stefano Gennarini, father of five, faithful Christian, took the UN floor and spoke truth to power.

Watch below or on YouTube using this link.


C-Fam is a non-partisan, non-profit research institute dedicated to reestablishing a proper understanding of international law, protecting national sovereignty and the dignity of the human person.  Use this link for more information or to make a donation to help them with their work.  

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