
Sunday, June 24, 2018

Another Victory! Second Waste Disposal Company Quits Carhart's Late-Term Abortion Business

by Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Bethesda, Maryland - Operation Rescue has received a letter from Biomedical Recovery Systems owner John Kappler that shows he has terminated his business dealings with late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart and his (ACO), an abortion facility in Bethesda, Maryland, that conducts abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.

This is the second medical waste disposal company to terminate business dealings with Carhart and ACO in the past two weeks as the result of phone calls and e-mails made by Operation Rescue supporters asking that the businesses halt their dealings with the notorious late-term abortion facility.

On June 5, 2018, Biomedical Waste Services stopped picking up the remains of babies aborted at ACO - some over 30 weeks gestation. ACO then contracted with Biomedical Recovery Systems, which made only one pick up at the abortion facility before quitting.

The letter from Kappler to Chelsea Souder, administrator for ACO, dated June 23, 2018, states, "This letter serves as notice that effective immediately I am terminating our service with your organization."

"We very much appreciate Mr. Kappler's decision to do the right thing," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We understand that he spoke to several of our supporters who were able to explain what actually takes place at Carhart's abortion business in terms of the deaths of late term babies as well as the documented deaths and serious injuries to their mothers. These conversations helped Mr. Kappler make his decision to end his dealings with ACO."

An excerpt of a conversation between Kappler and Operation Rescue's Cheryl Sullenger, in which comments were made by Kappler in an unguarded moment, will be taken offline and the original article will be edited to remove those comments.

"We understand that in the heat of the moment, people can say things that they really don't mean. We are not here to punish people who do the right thing," said Newman.

Operation Rescue wishes to thank everyone who called or e-mailed on this successful campaign.

"Once again, this victory belongs to you," said Newman. "We are very grateful."

Operation Rescue has learned that ACO in Bethesda will be closed for the next two weeks. It is unknown if this temporary closure is related to the loss of their second medical waste disposal company this month.

Read the termination of services letter.

Read this press release online.

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