
Monday, June 18, 2018

Catholic Georgetown University Finally Removes Guide Urging Donations to Planned Parenthood

In 2016, the Catholic University Welcomed Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards as a Guest Speaker on Campus 

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

One of America’s most prominent Catholic universities just removed contents from its website that encouraged students to support Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups.

This spring, the Georgetown University Law Center website asked students to consider donating their time and money to the largest abortion chain in America and other pro-abortion groups, a move that contradicts Catholic Church teachings about the sanctity of human life, according to The Christian Post.

However, the move quickly sparked outrage from students and alumni, leading to university to take down the information.
“Although these groups trample Church teaching by promoting abortion … , Georgetown tells web visitors to support them with time and money,” the student group TFP Student Action said. “Ironically, the Georgetown Law Library web page dedicated to the history of ‘civil rights’ includes a pitch to support pro-abortion groups that deny the first and most basic right — namely, the right to life.”
Here’s more from the report:

TFP Student Action, a Christian group founded to resist “the liberal, socialist and communist trends,” launched a petition last month against the Georgetown Law Library’s promotion of organizations that promote things such as abortion and same-sex marriage.

At issue is a now-inaccessible online research guide titled “A Brief History of Civil Rights in the United States” and a section called “Organizations You Can Support.”

TFP Student Action notes that the organizations originally listed in the library’s research guide include Planned Parenthood, Lambda Legal, The Southern Poverty Law Center, EMILY’s List, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Center for Reproductive Rights and the National Organization for Women.

The group’s petition received more than 13,500 signatures.

On Friday, a spokesperson for the Georgetown Law Center told the news outlet that it removed the information from the website because it was “not consistent” with its research practices. Georgetown has faced criticism numerous times for promoting abortion advocacy against church teachings.

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