
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Finley’s Parents are Grateful Abortion Pill Reversal Saved their Little Girl

“Since having Finley, my dad and I are closer than we have ever been,” said Summer. “He and Jason are finally forming a relationship. Everyone is so happy and crazy in love with our daughter. She has changed all of our lives for the better, and we are forever grateful.”

By Nancy Flanders
Live Action News

Summer was a recent high school graduate with a passion for rodeo road competition when she met her now-husband Jason. Her parents had hopes of her going to college, and Jason planned to head to college to earn a degree. But when the two met and began dating, Summer’s father didn’t approve because of the age difference between them. When Summer became pregnant, she knew that having a baby would put even more of a strain on her relationship with her parents. She had no idea that abortion pill reversal would soon become a life-changing part of her story.

“Balancing school, my job, my horses and my boyfriend, I had full hands,” she said in her YouTube video, “Life After Abortion.. The Story of Our Miracle Baby.” She continued, “On top of that, I had to go out of town for a week to work a horse show. I grew nauseous the entire time and had missed my period. I was positive I was pregnant.”
When she returned home from the horse show, she immediately took two pregnancy tests. They were both positive, and Summer began to panic.
“How will I be able to rodeo now?! What will people think of me? My parents are going to kill me! I’m not ready to be a mom yet,” she said.

But despite her fears, she surprised Jason with a gift-wrapped pregnancy test. His first reaction was one of joy; however, that dissipated when he thought of Summer’s father and how he was going to react.

Wanting to confirm the pregnancy, they headed to a Planned Parenthood clinic. At the time, the young couple did not know Planned Parenthood’s history of failing to inform women of legitimate options, including the practical help that is available from other organizations and facilities when a mother chooses life.

“When we opened the doors, there was a long line of women of all ages,” said Summer. “There was an aroma of heartache, yet they portrayed it to be so normal. We sat down with my number.”
When her number was called, the staff of the clinic wouldn’t allow Jason to go back with her. Alone, Summer found out that she was indeed pregnant and that she was seven weeks along. She had to call Jason to tell him the news, and that’s when they decided they weren’t ready to be parents and that they had to have an abortion.
“I knew in my heart it was wrong,” said Summer. “I didn’t want to do it, but I thought I had no other choice. The doctor came in and immediately went into explaining the sets of pills I would have to take to successfully ‘abort’ my fetus to prevent a future surgical one.
 I grew more and more hesitant, wondering if I was doing the right thing. I finally convinced myself there was really no other option, so I silently nodded my head as I listened to his directions.”
She took the first pill, which would begin to break down the placenta, cutting the baby off from nutrients. She would take two more pills the next day and was told she should expect heavy bleeding and the possibility of seeing her baby.

Finley, born after abortion reversal
Summer’s baby, Finley, stretches out
After taking the first pill, she was immediately sad. She and Jason cried as they drove home and had to pull the car over.
“We tried our best to brush off what we had just committed, but the anguish and regret grew so overwhelming we had to pull over on the side of the road,” she explained. “We knew we had made the biggest mistake of our lives.”
Live Action News story continues here

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call the Community Women's Center at  215-826-8090

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

Live Action News Note:
Abortion reversal may be possible for women who have taken the first dose of the abortion pill. Doctors have saved over 400 babies with abortion reversal. If you or someone you know regrets taking the abortion pill, help is available at
You can also call the 24-hour, nurse-staffed hotline at 1-877-558-0333. The nurses will immediately help you find out if there is a qualified doctor in your area who can help.

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