
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Indiana Pro-Lifers Demand Abortionists be Investigated for Not Reporting Minors’ Abortions

By Calvin Freiburger
Life Site News

Indiana Right to Life (IRTL) held news conferences across the state Wednesday calling for an investigation into whether Indiana abortionists are reporting abortions on girls younger than 16 as required by law.

“Forty-eight consumer complaints have been filed against nine Indiana abortion doctors who have allegedly failed to follow the legal reporting requirements to protect young children from sex abuse,” the group said in a press release.
It named several abortionists covering every licensed abortion facility in the state.
"The doctors are: Jeffrey Glazer, Caitlin Bernard, Cassandra Cashman, Carol Dellinger, Mandy Gittler, Kathleen Glover, Martin Haskell, Resad Pasic and Sarah Turner. They are employed at all licensed Indiana abortion facilities: Women’s Med Center in Indianapolis, Clinic for Women in Indianapolis, and Planned Parenthood in Indianapolis, Lafayette, Bloomington and Merrillville," the group stated.
"We call on the Indiana Medical Licensing Board, the Indiana State Department of Health and local prosecutors to take appropriate action against these abortion doctors, including review of their medical licenses and fines for each non-report. Possible cover-up of child sexual abuse cannot be tolerated. An immediate suspension of licenses for abortion facilities may be in order pending a complete investigation,” it added.
The press conferences took place outside of the Monroe County Courthouse in Bloomington and Planned Parenthood facilities in Lafayette and Merrillville, in the in the North Atrium of the State Capitol Building, and in the easement across from Whole Woman's Health in South Bend.

IRTL also released an example of those complaints, alleging that Jeffrey Glazer of Women’s Medical Center performed an abortion on a 12-year-old girl and failed to report it. Glazer, recently listed as the medical director for a proposed abortion facility in South Bend that was denied a license application, is the subject of eleven complaints.

All the complaints have been filed with Republican Attorney General Curtis Hill and the state Department of Health, and prosecutors in Marion, Lake, Tippecanoe and Monroe counties have been notified, IRTL added.

“In the era of #MeToo and #TimesUp, we’re demanding answers and action,” IRTL Vice President of Policy Enforcement Cathie Humbarger said. “The 48 complaints represent a widespread problem throughout Indiana’s abortion industry.”
“The average age for a child to be groomed is 11 years old; the average age for a child to be taken into trafficking is 15,” noted Crista Miller, the head of Giving Teens Grace, an Indiana nonprofit dedicated to teaching kids and parents to guard against predators. “We have to step up and protect the children of Indiana with bold and immediate action against any clinic or staff found not reporting underage abortions.”
Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky (PPINK) are claiming innocence in response. “We adhere to Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) reporting requirements and follow best public health practices to ensure that patients receive the help they need,” PPINK Communications and Marketing Director Ali Slocum said in a statement. “We cooperate fully with all ISDH inspections and immediately address any issues that officials share with us.”

The effort follows the pro-life group Live Action’s ongoing documentation of Planned Parenthood officials across the United States neglecting to report signs of child sex crimes.

In addition to highlighting documented cases of actual victims and undercover video capturing Planned Parenthood workers’ disinterest in apparent child rape and sex trafficking, Live Action’s “Aiding Abusers” series also features the firsthand accounts of former insiders describing a culture of indifference within the organization.

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