
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Joe Scarborough Claims VP Mike Pence Doesn’t Follow Bible, Ignores Biblical Admonition to Protect Life

By Scott Whitlock
Life News

The hosts of Morning Joe are angry once again. During a discussion on Tuesday of the policy of separating the children of illegals at the border, Joe Scarborough decided to play Bible expert and wondered if Mike Pence cuts out sections of the Bible (in the style of Thomas Jefferson).

Scarborough angrily lectured: “Mike Pence says he’s a Christian first. That’s fantastic. I’m sure he is. I do wonder if he has Jefferson’s Bible? If he’s cut out Matthew 25? If he’s cut out the part where Jesus actually is asked by disciples who is going to be able to sit on your right hand and who is going to be cast away?”

He continued: “And Jesus goes through the list and he talks about anyone that does this for the least among us is doing it to me. They will be with the sheep. Those who don’t will be tossed out — with the goats.”

Did Scarborough or other MSNBC hosts ever cite the Bible to Hillary Clinton when discussing the Democrat’s rabid support for abortion? Do the words in Matthew 25:40 about “the least of these brothers and sisters” matter in regard to the pro-life cause? And how often do liberals get called out for not living up to the Bible? Are these Democrats guilty of having Jefferson’s Bible?

In the same segment, former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt, who recently left the party, slimed the U.S. as worse than Venezuela and Cuba because they don’t have “internment camps for babies.”

The extraordinary and astounding hypocrisy of it to see the constancy of the assertion of Christian virtue by political leaders in this country who have established internment camps for babies and toddlers. And by the way, I never in a million years thought I would sit here or anywhere and say this. But the difference now between Venezuela and Cuba and the United States is this: Venezuela and Cuba are the countries without internment camps for babies and toddlers. Note: Scott Whitlock is a news analyst for the Media Research Center and a contributing writer to NewsBusters, its blog where this item first appeared. Scott’s blogs have been featured in the “Inside Politics” section of the Washington Times and linked to on the Drudge Report. He is a graduate of George Mason University. This originally appeared at Newsbusters.

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