
Monday, June 25, 2018

NARAL’s Attempt to ‘Celebrate’ Dads Who Support Abortion Backfires

By Nancy Flanders
Live Action News

One of the most vocal supporters of restriction-free abortion laws received backlash this week when it turned to Twitter to “celebrate” Father’s Day. NARAL Pro-Choice America, formerly known as the National Abortion Rights Action League, works daily to fight any and all abortion laws and believe that women need abortion in order to be successful, spreading the idea that without a ‘right’ to kill their preborn children, women are not on equal societal footing with men. When this group attempted to use Father’s Day to further its agenda, Twitter users expressed their disapproval.

NARAL tweeted “Happy Father’s Day to all the Pro-Choice Dads!”:
Hey dads, Happy #FathersDay! Caring about women’s #reprofreedom & bodily autonomy makes you better at raising future generations of feminists. So if you’re a pro-choice dad & one of the many #MenForChoice, we’re celebrating you today!

Hey dads, Happy ! Caring about women’s & bodily autonomy makes you better at raising future generations of feminists. So if you’re a pro-choice dad & one of the many , we’re celebrating you today!

Not only is NARAL refusing to say Happy Father’s Day to any man who isn’t pro-abortion, but is actually specifically celebrating men who support the killing of their own children and would teach any children they do allow to be born to do the same someday. Ironic.

Abortion wasn’t legalized by women, after all. It was legalized by men and pushed on women by men because abortion allows men to use women for sex and walk away without having to take any responsibility for women or any children they conceived. Abortion also allows sexual predators to destroy the DNA evidence of their crimes. Men who support abortion aren’t all about lifting up women to equal standing with men. Many of them are in it for the power it allows them to hold over women. Countless women have reported choosing abortion because the fathers of their children threatened to leave them or even kill them if they didn’t abort. It actually seems fitting that NARAL would thank them. Those men have made the abortion industry a lot of money.

Pro-lifers fought back against NARAL’s tweet in large numbers. Two from more notable pro-lifers are below:

On this ,National Abortion Rights Action League-NARAL is asking men why they are proud to support abortion/the killing of their unborn babies. Hey ,abortion has led to millions of lost fatherhood. Real men should never support the killing of their children

Planned Parenthood, the nation’s number one abortion profiteer currently under fire for aiding sexual predators instead of helping minor victims who came to its centers, did some tweeting of its own on Father’s Day, equally as sadly ironic and offensive. Women don’t need abortion. Abortion is not liberating. Abortion does not make women equal to men. It doesn’t free women from any injustice of any kind. It is, however, an injustice against preborn human beings. Planned Parenthood’s stance in support of taxpayer funding of abortion means the organization want fathers who actually support their children to pay for other fathers to kill theirs.


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