
Monday, June 18, 2018

Pathologist Traumatized After Seeing 3-Pound Aborted Baby with Expression of ‘Horror’ on His Face

By Sarah Terzo
Live Action News

In a March 10, 2017 article, I quoted Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood abortion facility director, writing about how she and other abortion workers had nightmares after leaving the abortion industry. Many former workers have horrible memories of piecing together aborted babies. This had to be done so workers could verify that no parts of the baby (arms, legs, pieces of the skull, etc.) were left behind in the mother’s body. Any pieces left behind could cause a life-threatening infection.
But it’s not just abortion workers who can be traumatized by the sight of aborted babies. When aborted children are not sold for parts or flushed into the sewer system, they are sent to pathologists, who examine them.

In a forum for pathologists, one poster describes having nightmares after handling the body of a late-term aborted baby and watching a physician’s assistant run from the room in shock.

LifeNews quotes the pathologist:

One incident really freaked me, it was a boy fetus, at least 3+ pounds, around 24+ weeks. It sat decomposing because the rest of the staff was AFRAID of it, I’m not joking. Then the chief of staff told me to deal with it because I was the FNG (f-kcin new guy) so I went to work.
Pulled out two well-formed arms and then the torso, headless. The head was at the bottom of the container, when I pulled it, he had this expression of such utter horror it flipped me wayyyy out, my PA saw it and ran, literally left work and went on disability (I’m serious here). It was like a headless screaming baby, like it had been born at least for a split second to realize it was screwed and let out one agonal yelp. The story of this reverberated around the department… I woke up once shortly after that in a cold sweat with piss running down my leg….
24 Week Unborn Baby
Abortions happen behind closed doors. Only very rarely is the carnage of abortion witnessed by anyone outside the medical profession. One exception is when parts of aborted babies are discovered in dumpsters or trash heaps outside abortion facilities. Live Action journalist Carole Novielli has posted these photographs of aborted children on her blog. She and other pro-lifers found them in the trash outside an abortion facility.

The babies were in little jars, wrapped in gauze sacs. The first few jars Novielli opened contained shreds of flesh with no recognizable parts because the babies were very young. But later:

Then…after carefully slicing one gauze sac, there it was. The fully formed arm of an aborted child. Then a leg, another leg, ribs, skull, etc… As we rummaged through the bags we could see the medical records of the women whose children lay torn in pieces.
The cold-hearted abortionist had discarded the bodies of these dead babies in the trash along with their mother’s medical records with no care or concern for either.
At the bottom of the bag, we found a large foot which a pathologist later confirmed was from an unborn baby approximately 5 months gestation.
In incidents like these, the ugliness of abortion is revealed to those outside the industry. Everyday citizens finally get to see what abortion really is and whom it really hurts. But under most circumstances, preborn children are killed and their bodies handled behind closed doors, where the public doesn’t see.

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