
Friday, June 1, 2018

Planned Parenthood Can’t Refute Report Showing It Doing Abortions on 12-Year-Old Girls, Not Reporting Sexual Abuse

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

The Planned Parenthood abortion business apparently is unable to refute a report showing it doing abortions on girls as young as 12 and failing to report the sexual abuse.

The Planned Parenthood abortion chain has been caught repeatedly performing abortions on abuse victims as young as 12 and 13 years old, failing to report suspected sexual abuse to authorities, and sending victims back to their abusers. A new investigative report report chronicles these cases and reveals Planned Parenthood’s decades-long pattern of helping child sex abusers cover up their crimes.

As LifeNews has documented multiple times, Planned Parenthood has a history of not reporting statutory rape or sexual abuse to authorities. The abortion corporation frequently covers up cases of rape with abortion and refuses to report rape cases to law enforcement.

The report, titled “Aiding Abusers: Planned Parenthood’s Cover-Up of Child Sexual Abuse”, comes less than a week after President Trump made his proposed rule official to defund Planned Parenthood of the $60 million dollars that it receives via Title X Family Planning dollars.

Planned Parenthood essentially ignored the report and issued no public statement nor anything on its Facebook or Twitter accounts regarding it. Its only comment came in the form of an attribution via Politico with the abortion giant saying that the organization that were produced the report, Live Action, relies on false evidence and distorted videos. The pro-abortion company failed to provide a single example of false evidence or distorted videos to Politico.
“In response, Planned Parenthood said that Live Action’s report draws on discredited evidence and that the group has a history of promoting doctored videos, citing a series of news reports,” Politico reported.
Meanwhile, the report relies on much more than videos — with considerable evidence from former employees, lawsuits, news articles and eyewitness testimony.

Lila Rose, president and founder of Live Action responded to Planned Parenthood and also announced the release of a new video today featuring four former Planned Parenthood employees confirming the organization’s failure to report sexual abuse.
“When Planned Parenthood calls our report ‘discredited,’ they are attacking the testimonies of the very girls who endured horrific abuse and then had it covered up by their own abortion centers,” she told LifeNews.
 “To be clear, the report includes numerous court cases, multiple news media reports, official police reports, state health department records, manager testimonials admitting a failure to report, and statements of underage sex abuse victims saying they were returned to their abusers after forced abortions.”
“Planned Parenthood has said repeatedly that victims of sexual abuse should be believed, yet when they call these cases that are documented in court records and media accounts ‘discredited evidence,’ they are calling the victims liars, just like their abusers did. At a time when Planned Parenthood’s ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy on sexual abuse continues to put girls in danger every day, their callous attempt to discredit victims and their stories is especially abhorrent,” Rose added.

Planned Parenthood abortion clinics have come under fire countless times over the years for not reporting cases of statutory rape to authorities as required by state law. In another case in Arizona, officials said a Planned Parenthood center failed to provide the proper report to authorities about a victim of a young man accused of being a serial rapist. Planned Parenthood failed to report the rape, and the young man allegedly raped 18 or more teenage girls before he was caught, according to authorities.

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