
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

PPFA of Pennsylvania Pledges to Invest $1.5 million to Re-Elect Pro-Abortion Governor

Senator Scott Wagner, Wolf's opponent, had a 100 percent pro-life voting record while serving in the PA state legislature.

By Maria Gallagher
National Right to Life

The political arm of the nation’s largest abortion operation plans to spend a record-setting amount of money in the campaign leading up to the November election in Pennsylvania.

The political action committee of Planned Parenthood in the Keystone State has announced it will invest $1.5 million in the Governor’s race and other campaigns throughout the Commonwealth.

Spokeswoman Sari Stevens said in a news release that Governor Tom Wolf is “…a brick wall against efforts to roll back health care access and rights of Pennsylvanians.”

That is code language for “the Governor has never met an abortion restriction he liked.”

Wolf has come to be known as the most pro-abortion governor in Pennsylvania history. This is especially disconcerting, given the legacy of the late Governor Robert Casey, Sr.

Robert Casey, Sr. famously challenged the Democratic Party with his principled pro-life stand. (He is not to be confused with his pro-abortion son, a United States senator.)

Gov. Wolf once volunteered as a clinic escort at a Planned Parenthood facility. He is famous—infamous, actually—for rejecting a bill that would have banned the outrageous practice of dismemberment abortion, where a living preborn baby is torn limb by limb from a mother’s womb.

His staff has also indicated that he would veto House Bill 2050, the Down Syndrome Protection Act, if it comes across his desk. House Bill 2050 would ban abortion for the sole reason of a Down syndrome diagnosis. The bill passed the House of Representatives by an overwhelming, bipartisan, veto-proof margin and is now pending in the state Senate.

In contrast, Wolf’s Republican opponent, former state Senator Scott Wagner, had a 100 percent pro-life voting record during his tenure in the state legislature. Wagner also pushed for enforcement of the state’s abortion center regulation law and sponsored a bus to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Note: Maria Gallagher is Legislative Director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation.

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